2023-10-12 - 1.0.0 #staging

2023-10-12 - 1.0.0




  • When creating a Project with targetResearchMethodology of 'unmoderatedStudy' or 'survey', you can enter a new field unmoderatedStudyOrSurvey. This field contains

    • remoteCommuncationsDetails : Custom url for the study, to be sent in the invitation. Can be updated when inviting the participant.
    • specialInstructions: Special instructions for the study, to be sent in the invitation. Can be updated when inviting the participant.
  • When inviting a participant you can now send remoteCommunicationDetails. This will be sent in the invitation to the participant. This will override the remoteCommunicationDetails defined in the project. If a project is remote, this should be the link to the research study.

  • remoteCommunicationDetails set through the project or the invitation will be appended with participant params. Ex:

  • externalResearcher.bookingUrl is now only required for projects with targetResearchMethodology of 'oneOnOne', 'diaryStudy', or 'focusGroup'


  • task removed from Project