2024-04-26 - 1.0.0 #production


  • Added new endpoint PUT /v1/projects/{projectId}/files/form-data?type=nda to upload an NDA pdf to a draft project
  • Added an endpoint to copy project POST: /v1/projects/:projectId/copy
  • Get past participants and invite them to projects
    • GET /v1/team-respondents Search all past participants for a team. Requires organization feature: participant database.
    • PUT /v1/team-respondents/batch-invite Invite multiple team respondents to a project. Requires organization feature: participant database.
    • GET /v1/team-respondents/profiles/{profileId}Find a past participant for a team by profile Id Requires organization feature: participant database.
  • Reject a screener after scheduled meeting if participant doesnt meet quality requirements. Only for qualitative projects. Participant will not be paid.
    • PATCH /v1/projects/{projectId}/screener-responses/{screenerResponseId}/reject


  • Fixed Get projects (GET /v1/projects/) issues by status PAID and CLOSED
  • Messaging conversations' metadata no longer being stripped out