Staging vs production


We currently use a staging environment to allow developers to set up their integration in a risk free manor. The environment is free and fully functional. API calls to Staging should use as the base URL.

Participant API developers should build their integration in staging and then switch over to the production environment when they are ready to go live. Learn more here


API calls to Production should use as the base URL.


Staging and production use different audience parameter IDs

Lookup IDs for industries, skills, topics, and jobTitles differ between staging and production environments.

Before your implementation can get access to production, we will validate that projects can be created and executed on effectively. It is important to note that lookup IDs for industries, skills, topics, and jobTitles differ between staging and production environments and these IDs will need to be updated when moving to your production environment.

Additionally when switching to production your first month of projects will be published as draft projects by default and will need be updated to recruiting manually.