Introduction: Respondent Research Panel API

Recruit highly qualified participants for your researchers

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Unlock direct access to Respondent’s diverse pool of over 3 million quality research participants across 150+ countries with our fast, reliable API – all from within your platform.

About Respondent & our Panel API

Respondent offers researchers an audience of 3M+ opted-in participants in 150+ countries. Participants can be targeted based on a wide range of profile criteria and custom screeners to ensure researchers find high-quality participants for any research methodology. Respondent’s Participant Recruiting API offers an automated, simple way to embed high-quality participant recruiting directly into your application.

Our Recruiting Approach

Our recruiting approach involves 4 steps to ensure we fill projects with high-quality participants:

  1. Reviewing projects to ensure incentive and project setup will attract the desired participants
  2. Matching with our existing audience to find the right target
  3. Asking and rewarding our audience for participant referrals
  4. Directly engaging high-match participants outside our audience

This approach ensures that we can quickly and effectively find the right participants for any project – from high-volume quantitative studies to moderated research with a very niche audience.

What’s Next

Read our quickstart guide to get started