Automated Researcher Emails

Overview of transactional emails sent by Respondent to researchers

As projects are published and recruited through the Respondent API, you will receive transactional emails for the researcher sent to the email address for your API researcher account. This page outlines what emails are sent so that you can align with emails that you may want to send/trigger to your researcher customers, if desired.

Project Notifications

Project SavedNotifies that project has been createdAll
Publish ReminderReminds a researcher to publish project if it has been in Draft status for >3 daysAll
Recruiting StartedNotifies researcher that recruiting has launched for a projectAll
1st Qualified ParticipantNotifies that the first participant has been qualified for a projectAll
Project FilledNotifies that the project has reached its target number for qualified participantsAll
New MessageNotifies that a participant has sent a message about a particular projectAll
Booking ReminderReminds researcher of upcoming scheduled session (for IDI or Focus Group), with participant infoAll
Pay Participant ReminderPrompts researcher to pay participants that have been marked as attended (uncommon because API will auto-pay participants who are marked as attended)All
Auto-Pause WarningNotifies researcher on 27th day that project will automatically pause on Day 28 (if it is not already paused because of hitting 3x recruiting target)All
Project Recruiting StoppedNotifies researcher that project has stopped recruiting after 30 days, if project has not been pausedAll

Participant Status Change Notifications

Participant ScheduledNotifies researcher that participant has scheduled (or rescheduled) a research session (for IDI or Focus Group)All
Booking CancelledNotifies that a scheduled research session (for IDI or Focus Group) has been cancelled by participantAll

Account/Organization Management Notifications

New ResearcherNotifies that new researcher has been added to the organizationProd only
Join RequestNotifies that a researcher has requested to join the organizationProd only
Researcher InviteNotifies a new researcher that they have been invited to join the organizationProd only
Reset PasswordProvides password reset link if requested for accountProd only