Screener overview

Finding just the right participant for that study

So what's the fuss about screeners?

Screener questions serve as a brief survey to narrow down participants that match targeting parameters in a project. It is best practice to use between 5 and 10 questions - at least 2 are required. Learn more here. We currently offer the following screener question types:

  • Radio
  • Checkbox
  • Single line text box
  • Multi line text box
  • Number box
  • Slider

Basic qualifying logic

Single answer or multiple choice question types can have qualifying logic applied directly to each answer. For example:

Do you own any pets?

  1. Yes (qualify)
  2. No (disqualify)

What pets do you own?

  1. Cat (may select)
  2. Dog (must select)
  3. Fish (may select)
  4. Raccoon (disqualify)

Skip logic

These question types can also have skip logic applied where each possible answer selection can lead the participant directly to a specific question. Continuing the above example

(Question 1) Do you own any pets?

  1. Yes (qualify)
  2. No (disqualify)
    1. If selected go to end of screener

(Question 2) What pets do you own?

  1. Cat (may select)
  2. Dog (must select)
    1. If not select go to end of screener
  3. Fish (may select)
  4. Raccoon (disqualify)
    1. If selected go to end of screener

(Question 3) Tell us about where you got your first pet.

(End of screener)