Create a project

Putting project requirements to use

Defining a Project

The following fields represent the most basic necessities a researcher will need to define a project. There are many additional dependencies and conditional values that will be covered in the Conditions page linked below.

Feature nameFiled nameUse case
Internal namepublicInternalNameThis allows researchers to apply a project name unseen by participants - often used for internal tracking
Project titlepublicTitleA project name will catch participants' attention
Project descriptionpublicDescriptionAdditional information about what will be required of the participant or why the study is being run
Time requiredparticipantTimeRequiredMinutesThis is the amount of time a researcher needs from a participant
IncentiveincentiveAmountThe amount of money being paid to the participant for joining the study
Type of researchtypeOfResearchThis field determines whether research is remote or in-person
Research methodologytargetResearchMethodologyThis allows the researcher to select the methodology of there study - this will enable different features based on the selection
Target audiencetargetMarketTypeAllows targeting of business professions (B2B) or consumers (B2C)
NDAndaLinkAllows researcher to link to a document handler that will be presented to the participant during application to a study
ResearcherexternalResearcherAllows Respondent to understand who is communicating with a participant

We also collect an externalResearcher object to aid in features like messaging, past participation tracking, and more.

Field nameUse caseRequired
researcherIdParticipant and researcher referenceY
researcherNameShow researcher name to participant in chatY
teamIdSupplemental information for better matchingN
companyNameSupplemental information for better matchingN
companyIdSupplemental information for better matchingN
bookingUrlDirect a participant to your booking pageY

Targeting an Audience

Researchers want to target a specific group of people to eventually take their screener. This first layer of targeting material is what we use to begin our matching process of bringing highly qualified participants to research projects.

Feature nameField nameRequired (Y/N)
Number of participantstargetNumberOfParticipantsY
Target audiencetargetMarketTypeY
LocationtargetCountry, targetCitiesY
Household incometargetHouseholdIncomeN
Age rangetargetAgeGroupsN

Conditionally available fields are not shown here. Read through Conditions, linked below, for more information.

Project creation

POST: /v1/projects

B2B and B2C projects differ in requirements and have different configurations. See Conditionals page linked below.

  "publicTitle": "Seeking business professionals!",
  "publicInternalName": "B2B Project Example",
  "publicDescription": "We're looking for skilled business professions in a particular industry.",
  "typeOfResearch": "remote",
  "targetResearchMethodology": "oneOnOne",
  "participantTimeRequiredMinutes": 30,
  "incentiveAmount": 80,
  "targetNumberOfParticipants": 5,
  "targetMarketType": "b2b",
  "targetProfessionalIndustries": [
  "targetJobTitles": [
  "targetAudienceSkills": [
   "targetCountry": "all",
   "externalResearcher": {
    "researcherId": "PARTNER_SUPPLIED_ID",
    "researcherName": "Jane Doe",
    "bookingUrl": ""
  "publicTitle": "Seeking savvy consumers!",
  "publicInternalName": "B2C Project Example",
  "publicDescription": "We're seeking people who one this product and want to share their opinions.",
  "typeOfResearch": "remote",
  "targetResearchMethodology": "oneOnOne",
  "participantTimeRequiredMinutes": 30,
  "incentiveAmount": 60,
  "targetNumberOfParticipants": 5,
  "targetMarketType": "b2c",
  "targetProjectTopics": [
   "targetCountry": "all",
   "externalResearcher": {
    "researcherId": "PARTNER_SUPPLIED_ID",
    "researcherName": "Jane Doe",
    "bookingUrl": ""

Once you are able to create projects successfully you should be able to view the projects by logging into Respondent’s staging dashboard with your credentials: