Multiple payments

We provide 2 screener-responses endpoints to allow invited participants to be paid the projects incentive amount up to 5 times. For instances where the second, third, forth, and fifth payments may need to be higher than the initial incentive, there is a tips field that allows for a payment to a participant to exceed the incentive defined in the project.


Payouts cannot be lower than the incentive defined on the project. It is important to keep the project incentive the lowest dollar amount a participant may get paid.

If researchers are running a multi-stage project and want to advertise the total possible incentive in a research project, this should be included in the project title or description as a callout for "up to $XX incentive". To maintain trust with participants, the incentive defined in the project is the lowest amount a participant will get paid if they complete the project.

If researchers plan to have variable incentives based on quality or time of a study that they will determine after interacting with a participant, the incentive set at the project should be the lowest possible payment.

How to use multiple payments

It is first important to note that the first payment to a participant will always take place automatically after they are marked as Attended/Complete. Beyond that you can utilize the following endpoints to complete subsequent payments.

  • /v1/projects/{projectId}/screener-responses/payouts
  • /v1/projects/{projectId}/screener-responses/{screenerResponseId}/payouts


  • To begin a followup payment, you must first call the payouts GET with the desired project ID
  • You should receive a response like this:
    "userId": "string",
    "profileId": "string",
    "screenerResponseId": "string",
    "numberOfPayouts": 1,
    "payouts": [
        "incentive": 50,
        "tip": 0,
        "totalIncentive": 0,
        "createdAt": "string"
    "userId": "string",
    "profileId": "string",
    "screenerResponseId": "string",
    "numberOfPayouts": 2,
    "payouts": [
        "incentive": 50,
        "tip": 0,
        "totalIncentive": 0,
        "createdAt": "string"
        "incentive": 50,
        "tip": 10,
        "totalIncentive": 60,
        "createdAt": "string"


  • After confirming the current number of payments for a profile ID, you can POST the next payment
  "payoutCount": 3,
  "tip": 20


Notice, this is no option to input incentive. Incentive is fixed during project creation and can only be "increased" by adding a tip.