Project deep dive

Creating more complex projects

B2B vs B2C

POST: /v1/projects

  "publicTitle": "Seeking business professionals!",
  "publicInternalName": "B2B Project Example",
  "publicDescription": "We're looking for skilled business professions in a particular industry.",
  "typeOfResearch": "remote",
  "targetResearchMethodology": "oneOnOne",
  "participantTimeRequiredMinutes": 30,
  "incentiveAmount": 80,
  "targetNumberOfParticipants": 5,
  "targetMarketType": "b2b",
  "targetProfessionalIndustries": [
  "targetJobTitles": [
  "targetAudienceSkills": [
   "targetCountry": "all",
   "externalResearcher": {
    "researcherId": "PARTNER_SUPPLIED_ID",
    "researcherName": "Jane Doe",
    "bookingUrl": ""
  "publicTitle": "Seeking savvy consumers!",
  "publicInternalName": "B2C Project Example",
  "publicDescription": "We're seeking people who one this product and want to share their opinions.",
  "typeOfResearch": "remote",
  "targetResearchMethodology": "oneOnOne",
  "participantTimeRequiredMinutes": 30,
  "incentiveAmount": 60,
  "targetNumberOfParticipants": 5,
  "targetMarketType": "b2c",
  "targetProjectTopics": [
   "targetCountry": "all",
   "externalResearcher": {
    "researcherId": "PARTNER_SUPPLIED_ID",
    "researcherName": "Jane Doe",
    "bookingUrl": ""


When b2b is selected for the targetMarketType, targetProfessionalIndustries(1-5) and targetJobTitles(1-10) become required fields. targetAudienceSkills(1-25) becomes an available optional field.


When b2c is selected for the targetMarketType, targetProjectTopics(1-2) becomes a required field.

Remote vs in person

POST: /v1/projects

  "publicTitle": "Seeking savvy consumers!",
  "publicInternalName": "B2C Project Example",
  "publicDescription": "We're seeking people who one this product and want to share their opinions.",
  "typeOfResearch": "remote",
  "targetResearchMethodology": "oneOnOne",
  "participantTimeRequiredMinutes": 30,
  "incentiveAmount": 60,
  "targetNumberOfParticipants": 5,
  "targetMarketType": "b2c",
  "targetProjectTopics": [
   "targetCountry": "US",
   "targetCities": [
      "location": {
        "country": "US",
        "location": {
          "longitude": 42.22788,
          "latitude": -71.191113
        "city": "Boston",
        "state": "MA",
        "googleId": "ChIJGzE9DS1l44kRoOhiASS_fHg"
   "externalResearcher": {
    "researcherId": "PARTNER_SUPPLIED_ID",
    "researcherName": "Jane Doe",
    "bookingUrl": ""
  "publicTitle": "Seeking savvy consumers!",
  "publicInternalName": "B2C Project Example",
  "publicDescription": "We're seeking people who one this product and want to share their opinions.",
  "typeOfResearch": "inperson",
  "targetResearchMethodology": "oneOnOne",
  "participantTimeRequiredMinutes": 30,
  "incentiveAmount": 60,
  "targetNumberOfParticipants": 5,
  "targetMarketType": "b2c",
  "targetProjectTopics": [
   "targetCountry": "US",
    "targetLocationRespondentInPerson": {
    "country": "US",
    "address1": "700 Atlantic Avenue",
    "city": "Boston",
    "latitude": 42.351005,
    "longitude": -71.05662,
    "state": "MA",
    "formattedAddress": "700 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Ma 02205, USA"
   "externalResearcher": {
    "researcherId": "PARTNER_SUPPLIED_ID",
    "researcherName": "Jane Doe",
    "bookingUrl": ""


When remote is selected for typeOfResearch a project will recruit participants world wide by default. targetCountries can be added to optionally target one or more countries

  • If a country is targeted, one or more cities can also be targeted in that country via targetCities.
  • Participants will be recruited within 250km (155 miles) for remote projects selecting a city.

We recommend using Google Place Autocomplete to supply the required information for city targeting. We expect the a post including city targeting to include something similar to the code block below. It is important to note that cities cannot be added targeting worldwide, and only cities in targeted countries can be added.

targetCities: [
        location: {
          city: 'Seattle',
          state: 'WA',
          country: 'US',
          location: {
            longitude: -122.3328481,
            latitude: 47.6061389,
        location: {
          city: 'Portland',
          state: 'OR',
          country: 'US',
          location: {
            longitude: -122.6783853,
            latitude: 45.515232,


When running remote projects the following targetResearchMethodology are valid.

  • One on One
  • Focus Group
  • Unmoderated Study
  • Survey
  • Diary Study

In person

When inperson is selected for typeOfResearch a project must supply targetCountry and targetLocationRespondentInPerson fields.

  • Participants will be recruited within 100km (62 miles) for in person projects.

We recommend using Google Place Autocomplete to supply the required information for city targeting.


When running in person projects the following targetResearchMethodology are valid.

  • One on One
  • Focus Group
  • In Respondent Home
  • In Respondent Office

Moderated vs unmoderated methodologies

POST: /v1/projects

  "publicTitle": "Seeking savvy consumers!",
  "publicInternalName": "B2C Project Example",
  "publicDescription": "We're seeking people who one this product and want to share their opinions.",
  "typeOfResearch": "remote",
  "targetResearchMethodology": "oneOnOne",
  "participantTimeRequiredMinutes": 30,
  "incentiveAmount": 60,
  "targetNumberOfParticipants": 5,
  "targetMarketType": "b2c",
  "targetProjectTopics": [
   "targetCountry": "US",
   "externalResearcher": {
    "researcherId": "PARTNER_SUPPLIED_ID",
    "researcherName": "Jane Doe",
    "bookingUrl": ""
  "publicTitle": "Seeking savvy consumers!",
  "publicInternalName": "B2C Project Example",
  "publicDescription": "We're seeking people who one this product and want to share their opinions.",
  "typeOfResearch": "remote",
  "targetResearchMethodology": "focusGroup",
  "participantTimeRequiredMinutes": 30,
  "incentiveAmount": 60,
  "targetNumberOfParticipants": 5,
  "targetMarketType": "b2c",
  "targetProjectTopics": [
   "targetCountry": "US",
   "externalResearcher": {
    "researcherId": "PARTNER_SUPPLIED_ID",
    "researcherName": "Jane Doe",
    "bookingUrl": ""
  "publicTitle": "Seeking savvy consumers!",
  "publicInternalName": "B2C Project Example",
  "publicDescription": "We're seeking people who one this product and want to share their opinions.",
  "typeOfResearch": "remote",
  "targetResearchMethodology": "unmoderatedStudy",
   "unmoderatedStudyOrSurvey": {
    "remoteCommunicationDetails": "",
    "specialInstructions": "Please open the link to walk through the same UI and give your feedback!"
  "participantTimeRequiredMinutes": 20,
  "incentiveAmount": 40,
  "targetNumberOfParticipants": 10,
  "targetMarketType": "b2c",
  "targetProjectTopics": [
   "targetCountry": "US",
   "externalResearcher": {
    "researcherId": "PARTNER_SUPPLIED_ID",
    "researcherName": "Jane Doe",
  "publicTitle": "Seeking savvy consumers!",
  "publicInternalName": "B2C Project Example",
  "publicDescription": "We're seeking people who one this product and want to share their opinions.",
  "typeOfResearch": "remote",
  "targetResearchMethodology": "survey",
   "unmoderatedStudyOrSurvey": {
    "remoteCommunicationDetails": "",
    "specialInstructions": "Please fill out this survey!"
  "participantTimeRequiredMinutes": 10,
  "incentiveAmount": 20,
  "targetNumberOfParticipants": 10,
  "targetMarketType": "b2c",
  "targetProjectTopics": [
   "targetCountry": "US",
   "externalResearcher": {
    "researcherId": "PARTNER_SUPPLIED_ID",
    "researcherName": "Jane Doe",
  "publicTitle": "Seeking savvy consumers!",
  "publicInternalName": "B2C Project Example",
  "publicDescription": "We're seeking people who one this product and want to share their opinions.",
  "typeOfResearch": "remote",
  "targetResearchMethodology": "diaryStudy",
  "participantTimeRequiredMinutes": 30,
  "incentiveAmount": 60,
  "targetNumberOfParticipants": 5,
  "targetMarketType": "b2c",
  "targetProjectTopics": [
   "targetCountry": "US",
   "externalResearcher": {
    "researcherId": "PARTNER_SUPPLIED_ID",
    "researcherName": "Jane Doe",
    "bookingUrl": ""
  "publicTitle": "Seeking savvy consumers!",
  "publicInternalName": "B2C Project Example",
  "publicDescription": "We're seeking people who one this product and want to share their opinions.",
  "typeOfResearch": "remote",
  "targetResearchMethodology": "inRespondentHome",
  "participantTimeRequiredMinutes": 30,
  "incentiveAmount": 60,
  "targetNumberOfParticipants": 5,
  "targetMarketType": "b2c",
  "targetProjectTopics": [
   "targetCountry": "US",
   "targetLocationRespondentInPerson": {
    "country": "US",
    "address1": "700 Atlantic Avenue",
    "city": "Boston",
    "latitude": 42.351005,
    "longitude": -71.05662,
    "state": "MA",
    "formattedAddress": "700 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Ma 02205, USA"
   "externalResearcher": {
    "researcherId": "PARTNER_SUPPLIED_ID",
    "researcherName": "Jane Doe",
    "bookingUrl": ""
  "publicTitle": "Seeking savvy consumers!",
  "publicInternalName": "B2C Project Example",
  "publicDescription": "We're seeking people who one this product and want to share their opinions.",
  "typeOfResearch": "remote",
  "targetResearchMethodology": "inRespondentOffice",
  "participantTimeRequiredMinutes": 30,
  "incentiveAmount": 60,
  "targetNumberOfParticipants": 5,
  "targetMarketType": "b2c",
  "targetProjectTopics": [
   "targetCountry": "US",
   "targetLocationRespondentInPerson": {
    "country": "US",
    "address1": "700 Atlantic Avenue",
    "city": "Boston",
    "latitude": 42.351005,
    "longitude": -71.05662,
    "state": "MA",
    "formattedAddress": "700 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Ma 02205, USA"
   "externalResearcher": {
    "researcherId": "PARTNER_SUPPLIED_ID",
    "researcherName": "Jane Doe",
    "bookingUrl": ""


Methodologies that are considered moderated must use the bookingUrl field in the externalResearcher object to pass back a URL where the participant can book a meeting time with the researcher.

  • oneOnOne
  • focusGroup
  • inRespondentHome
  • inRespondentOffice
  • diaryStudy


Methodologies that are considered unmoderated must use a unmoderatedStudyOrSurvey object to pass through a URL (remoteCommunicationDetails) and instructions (specialInstructions) for participants.

  • survey
  • unmoderatedStudy


URLs that are places in this field will be appended with URL parameters on redirect to allow partners to collect participant userID and projectID. These fields can help confirm which participant relates to a particular survey response. The parameters are appended as
"?respondent_participant_id=#####&respondent_project_id=#####&respondent_screener_response_id=#####" where the participant_id = userId in the screener-responses response.