Creating questions

Understanding question and logic types to configure questions


Screener questions can now be edited after publishing

Screener questions can now be edited any time after a project is published. It is important to note there are some catches.

  • When updated screener questions after publishing, the screener is effectively replaced
    • This means that if answers have already been collected, they are still qualified on the original screener
    • Only new screener responses will be qualified based on screener updates

We generally recommend using this only as a fallback if there was an error in screener setup or if no screener responses have been submitted. If you choose to accept edits after responses have been collected, you can use the createdAt field in the screener response to cross reference with the screener update time to manage different qualifications.

Question types and logic

The screener questionType can be selected from a set list of strings. Radio and checkbox answers can have additional answer logic and skip logic applied.


All projects require at least 2 screener questions

questionTypeUse caseanswerValue SchemaSkip logic
radioSingle select1 = Qualify
2 = Disqualify
checkboxMulti select1 = May Select
2 = Must Select
3 = Disqualify
singleLineTextboxShort form text boxn/aNo
multiLineTextboxLong form text boxn/aNo
numericBoxSingle entry numbern/aNo
sliderScaleNumber selectorn/aN

Basic screener question setup

POST: /v1/projects/:projectId/screener-questions

The examples below show a basic setup for each question type.

  • For all examples isRequired is set to true and skipLogic is set to false
  • All question types can be required or not
  • Only radio and checkbox questions can include skip logic
    • These question types can also include an other option, but do not require it
    • The radio example shows the inclusion of an other option while checkbox example shows no other option
  • Each example shows the minimum fields required, but other fields may be available.
  "questionType": "radio",
  "text": "What is your favorite coastline in the United States?",
  "answers": [
      "text": "East Coast",
      "answerValue": 2
      "text": "West Coast",
      "answerValue": 1
      "isOther": true,
      "text": "Other",
      "answerValue": 2
  "skipLogic": false,
  "includeOtherOption": true,
  "isRequired": true
  "questionType": "checkbox",
  "text": "What animals would you like to spend time with?",
  "answers": [
      "text": "Cat",
      "answerValue": 1
      "text": "Dog",
      "answerValue": 1
      "text": "Giraffe",
      "answerValue": 1
      "text": "Pineapple",
      "answerValue": 3
  "isRequired": true,
  "skipLogic": false,
  "includeOtherOption": false
  "questionType": "singleLineTextbox",
  "text": "What is your favorite color?",
  "skipLogic": false,
  "isRequired": true
  "questionType": "multiLineTextbox",
  "text": "In your own words, tell us what your favorite hoby is.",
  "skipLogic": false,
  "isRequired": true
  "questionType": "numericBox",
  "text": "How old are you?",
  "skipLogic": false,
  "isRequired": true
  "questionType": "sliderScale",
  "text": "On a scale from 1 to 10 how confident are you building an API?",
  "isRequired": true,
  "skipLogic": false,
  "minValue": 1,
  "maxValue": 10,
  "step": 1

What’s Next

Take a look at the endpoints